- BrainStorm Dienas, kad lidlauks parak tals concert at the Skonto Stadium in Riga, Latvia.
Everyone who was at BrainStorm's tour-closing concert in Riga on September 1st, 2003, most likely has amazing memories of this outstanding show. Along with the concert, lots of backstage material is included in this DVD, including interviews with the band and people involved in the tour, and a photo gallery. There is a special chapter with surprises of the September 1st show: an opening speech by The President of Latvia, Vaira Vike-Freiberga, an unexpected appearance of the band's friend and photographer, Anton Corbijn, and a surprise meal prepared by the famous Latvian chef, Martins Ritins, for BrainStorm's singer Reynard (since September 1st also happens to be his birthday). The whole disc is 2 hours and 18 minutes long. Since the concert took place in BrainStorm's native country of Latvia, interviews and speeches were done in Latvian, but English subtitles are included. BrainStorm itself was involved in making this DVD. Keyboard player Mike Minolta was the production manager and overlooked the whole process. This is the first BrainStorm DVD, in addition to being the first-ever concert DVD of a Latvian band, but it is nevertheless quite spectacular. List of songs: 1. pa pareizam 2. kaislibas 3. puiseni no zvaigznem 4. kristianijas suni 5. puse no sirds 6. prom uz siltajam salam 7. waterfall 8. i saw the sunrise deep in hell 9. brivdienas nav manas laimigas dienas 10. es gribu 11. ir vieglak 12. starp divam saulem 13. ja tu esi mans prezidents 14. gala komma 15. kakens, kurs atteicas no jurasskolas 16. animals like me 17. spacemuminsh 18. colder 19. maybe 20. plaukstas lieluma pavasaris 21. ziema 22. lec 23. spogulit 24. issavienojums 25. lidmasinas 26. tu izvelejies palikt
- DVD, PAL (World format). Subtitles in English and Latvian.
Length of concert and add-ons: 2 hours 18 minutes. Sound: dolby digital 5.1, PCM Stereo.
- Produced by Brainstorm Records Company
Brainstorm/Prata Vetra CD's To our North American customers: This DVD is NOT available in NTSC (American) format. Please check the specifications of your DVD player before ordering