- The film presents the Latgele region pre-war independent Latvia in the beautiful countryside, traditions, songs, strong Catholic faith and original dialect. In the course of the film the boy Boņuks grows emotionally into a man. This process is seen from an unusual angle - throught the boy s love for a grow-up young woman who jokingly calls him "her little boyfrend". She could not imagine that the boy would take it so seriosly. She has a real fiance and a wedding is planned. The film is a mixture ofr the comic and the dramatic.
Leģendārais Cilvēka bērns ir dzidra un gaiša filma par maza Latgales zēna bērnību lauku sētā 20. gadsimta 30. gados. Bonifācijam Paulānam, ģimenē sauktam par Boņuku, ir savi puiku prieki un raizes, daudz tēvamāsu, kas mazajam vīrietim reizēm krīt uz nerviem, labākais draugs ganu suns Žiks un – īsta mīlestība uz skaisto kaimiņu meitu Bigi. Kad Bigi sāk gatavoties kāzām, mazā Boņuka sirds gandrīz lūst…
- DVD, PAL (World format).
In Latgalian, subtitles: LAT, ENG, RUS, FRA. 94 min PLEASE NOTE - May not play on regular American (NTSC) DVD players.
- Riga, Latvia