The music was created through the improvisation of Andrus Ranna��re in Jaani church in Tartu, Estonia. The improvisation took place in an exhibition opening of painter Margus Rump on August 7, 2012. It was presented along with poems and reflections of Helen Anvelt and is also the soundtrack for the CD "Live your dreams"
Music by Andrus Ranna��re: 1. Igatsus / Longing 2. Valu ja valgus / Pain and Light 3. Taevased / Heavenly Creatures 4. Muinasjutt / Fairytale 5. Lohutus / Consolation 6. V�luv�el / By Magic 7. Elada unistusi / Live Your Dreams 8. Ajast ja ajatust / In Time and Timeless 9. H��ab igaviku h��l / The Voice of Eternity 10. L�te / Source
Tallinn, Estonia
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