1. De Profundis (Psalm 129) (composed 1980) 2. Missa Sillabica: Kyrie (1977; revised 1996) 3. Missa Sillabica: Gloria (1977; revised 1996) 4. Missa Sillabica: Credo (1977; revised 1996) 5. Missa Sillabica: Sanctus (1977; revised 1996) 6. Missa Sillabica: Agnus Dei (1977; revised 1996) 7. Missa Sillabica: Ite missa est (1977; revised 1996) 8. Solfeggio (1964) 9. "And one of the Pharisees" (1990) 10. Cantate Domino (Psalm 95) (1977) 11. Summa (Credo) (1977) 12. Seven Magnificent Antiphons: O Weisheit (1988; rev. 1991) 13. Seven Magnificent Antiphons: O Adonai (1988; rev. 1991) 14. Seven Magnificent Antiphons: O Spross (1988; rev. 1991) 15. Seven Magnificent Antiphons: O Schl�ssel (1988; rev. 1991) 16. Seven Magnificent Antiphons: O Morgenstern (1988; rev. 1991) 17. Seven Magnificent Antiphons: O K�nig (1988; rev. 1991) 18. Seven Magnificent Antiphons: O Immanuel (1988; rev. 1991) 19. The Beatitudes (1990; rev. 1991)20. Magnificat (1989)