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Pradzia. The Begining (SKU #13797)
US $25.00
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  • Our history started in 2005, when accordion duet was formed in the corridors of Lithuanian Music and Theater Academy. Eventually, percussionist Vytautas Švažas joined Povilas Velikis and Dmitrijs Michailovs. A bit later Laurynas Vaitkus – the guru of tenor birbyne – became a member of the group.
    For us, music is a certain philosophy of life. One can experience music or simply live it. Our non-standard, lively, really subtle and with a great sense of humor group takes everyone to the journey in time. We create peculiar atmosphere while playing amazing classical A. Piazzolla, jazz masters B. Taylor, H. Hancock and D. Ellington’s themes, as well as our compositions. We gained audience sympathy by surprising them every time and therefore we received „Golden disc“ – the prize of audience – at the „Great Parade of Musicians“ in 2011.
    International competitions, festivals, concert tours in Lithuania, concerts in Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Italy, Germany, Norway, and Russia, various charity campaigns and other projects make our life rather interesting and exciting. It also convinces that there is nothing more wonderful than live music, which flies you as a bird; there is nothing more wonderful than sounds, which make you shiver or tickle your heart. As sun kisses your face during hot summer day, as leaves of trees shiver in the autumn and snow is squeaking under your feet, so our music, like spring predicting lark, will wake your soul and make you listen.
    „Subtilu-Z“ is a gentle, fragile, delicate and always different road into you. Subtle and from all the heart.
    The Beginning (2009)
    Our first compact disc.
    It is written down in 2009 at recording studio of the Lithuanian radio and television.Publish UAB "BOD Group"

    1. P. Velikis - Žiemos kelias. Šilumos link (Winter Roads. Toward Warmth)
    2. A. Gaidenko - Vakaras kalnuose (Evening in the Mountains)
    3. A. Piazzolla - Oblivion
    4. C. P. E. Bach - Ph. R Buttal - Solfeggiettissimo
    5. J. Peškovs - Nostalgija
    6. P. Velikis - Netikėta erdvė ( Unexpected Space )
    7. J. Tizol - D. Ellington - Caravan
    8. J. P. Traun - My Sweet Rosetta
    9. A. Pugh - Flossa Nova v2.0
    10. H. Hancock - Watermelon Man
    11. D. Mihailovs - P.S.

  • CD
  • Lithuania, Vilnius

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