- Dr Marija Matusakaite is one of the most famous and authoritative researchers on the history of art in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and is a living legend Lithuanian among art historians. She has published more then ten scientific articles, and wrote the books, XVI-XVIII a. portretas Lietuvoje (The portrait of XVI-XVIII centuries in Lithuania, 1984), Senieji Lietuvos kunigaiksciu portretai (Old portraits of Lithuanian dukes, 1997), Procesiju altorėliai Lietuvoje (The altars of processions in Lithuania, 1998), Senoji medžio skulptra ir dekoratyvinė drozyba Lietuvoje (Old wooden sculpture and decorative carving in Lithuania, 1998) and Apranga VI-XVIII a. Lietuvoje (The clothing in VI-XVIII centuries in Lithuania, 2003). In 1998, M. Matusakaite received the Lithuanian Government Art Award for significant work in Lithuanian art and culture.
In 2006, the publishing house “Versus aureus“ published the iconographic Dr M. Matušakaitė’s research work on the images of Barbora Radvilaite; Karaliene Barbora ir jos atvaizdai (The Queen Barbora and her images).
- In Lithuanian, 158 pages
Format: 8.8 x 5.6 inches (22 x 14cm), hardcover.
- Vilnius, Lithuania