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Lietuvos zvalgyba 1918-1940 m by Arvydas Anusauskas (SKU #14178)
US $30.00
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  • Ninety-five years ago formed Lithuanian reconnaissance was underwent a very interesting and difficult period. Lithuanian Foreign intelligence history characterized by a very intense duel with the neighboring countries secret services, both successful and unsuccessful secret operations ambiguous political conditions influence the operation of secret services.
    The examination of the operation of the secret services, revealing the development, methods of change, describing interesting operations of Poland, the Soviet Union, France and Germany, a similar service activities in the Baltic states. How many foreign agents was tracked down, how they was fighting with other states supported and financed anti-state activities, which was the most expensive paid agents, how foreign intelligence residence worked, how was fighting against terrorism, what was the past leaders and their agents fate, to this and many other you will find answers in this book. Story with rich visual material, previously unpublished photos of different intelligence agents.
    The book will interest those who wish to know more and deeper Foreign Intelligence history of the twentieth century, will help to understand and objectively evaluate the Lithuanian secret services' role in ensuring national security.
  • In Lithuanian, hardcover, 368 p., 9-1/2" x 7-1/2" (24 x 19cm)
  • Lithuania, Vilnius

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