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Beatos virtuve by Beata Nicholson (SKU #13865)
US $45.00
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  • We live not in order to eat, but in order to eat the delicious food. "This seems to be well-worn adage known TV presenter Beata Nicholson kitchen becomes a reality. Reality-like apple pie, mother dove and exotic spices. Her kitchen companion forget diets, children - whims, and men - labor troubles. Beata produce so easily and with such inspiration that there is no doubt - to cook at home is not only healthy, but fun. London-based journalist Lithuanian culinary experience has enriched British cuisine traditions, attending various courses learned in other cooking secrets. In this book lies Beata favorite recipes - this is what can cheer and family, and the crowd of guests.
    320 pages illustrated with original photographs in the book - more than one hundred recipes. "The book contains recipes that I have tried many times, are all available and the cuisine - easy to make," - she says.
    By the way, Beata Nicholson - not only in the kitchen virtuoso, but also a great writer. Her book of recipes turned into a fun-filled culinary stories. Delicious to eat, tasty produce, delicious to read!
  • In Lithuanian, hardcover, 320 p., 10" x 8" (26 x 21cm)
  • Lithuania, Vilnius

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