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Mes Lietuviai by Laima Lavaste (SKU #13678)
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  • This book was born out of pain and love. One day me, traveling by bicycle Gediminas Avenue, near the curb pressed black SUV with the number "000 . I remember the moment when the pain arose from the earth pronounced - so it will be a fun book about Lithuania and Lithuanians! Written with love of the past and present deeds of heroes, brave little about the country and its blueeyed-, compassionate people. But over all Lithuanian television channels looked the evening and midnight knowledge awoke in me a completely different person. And the other person did not want to start the whole point of my book - why we Lithuanians are good natured, entertaining, shy, brave people of Europe? The other man obsessively ask - why do we, Lithuanians, the best course is another Lithuanian? So now, relaxed on the couch by a sober Sunday morning, all of us: - And those who set fire to a neighbor's barn at night, - And those who sheltered homeless dog - And those who hurt women and children, - And those who sacrificed stranger your neighbor's heart, - And those who boarded a lockup because did not bribe - And the ones who shot the stork, - And those who honestly pay their taxes, - And those who are against the nuclear power plant - And those who sneaked out of the cemetery crosses, - And those who yesterday pounded neighbor with hatchet becouse of bottle. - And all those who are still in love with Lithuania - let us have the courage to look at yourself in the eyes that look at us to ask: WHAT WE ARE, WHAT WE ARE AND WHY ARE WE SO? And then we have to go forward.
  • In Lithuanian, paperback, 172 p., 8-1/2" x 6" (21 x 15cm)
  • Vilnius, Lithuania

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