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Karuna be karaliaus by Gina Viliune (SKU #13677)
US $17.00
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  • Alge GustaitÄ— - hopeless workaholic and a typical careerist. Such vacations - punishment, not dreamed respite. Hell, what to do? The decision comes as a surprise: Alge receives grandfather's legacy - a house in Kaunas along with the Latin writing, telling about some of the seals. Relatives conundrum? Had a chance to begin to explain, it appears that the estate claimed by someone else. Sounds mysterious threats ... Well, no, stubborn Alge so easy to not hand what she gets from her grandfather.
    And 600 years ago in Vilnius hurried messenger with royal pack. In his ears it still sounded old priest's terrible curse. The messenger drove horses, but Vytautas the Great did not receive Crown . Since his death began crown trip: waiting in the wings royal crown traveled from hand to hand. Been in Radziwill hiding place, saw and Vilnius secret societies intrigues and manor corners. And by that the crown has not brought anyone nor wealth, nor happiness ...
    But all that does not matter. The crown searches excitement caught Alge includes conversing historian, and the young couple begins to wander around Vilnius churches. However, searchers none suspected that the crown is more dangerous rival, and expects to remove a curse in today's pagan adherent Krivan Anthony, ceremonies can be performed only by the shortest night of the year ... And the crazy race to a premature hands Vytautas Magnus crown begins.
  • In Lithuanian, hardcover, 262 p., 8-1/2" x 6" (21 x 15cm)
  • Vilnius, Lithuania

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