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Papasakoti gyvenima by Justinas Marcinkevicius (SKU #13551)
US $25.00
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  • Justino Marcinkevičius death anniversary poetry collection.
    The book, the author has nepalydėta exacting eye.
    But extending the life of Justin Marcinkevičius poetry, speaking like a man of a higher kind of knowledge or authorization. After his death, his work lives differently. Otherwise, we start to feel and understand and Justina Marcinkevičius - freer and more. Critics speak of Czeslaw Milosz continent, about Justinas Marcinkevičius appropriate to say - the land. And the only and universal, and promised. Life - you can add. Love. Obligation - inevitably.
    Creating new poetry, massive options should, as far as possible, adhere to the principles of the poet's team. Risky commitment to create any new structure, something to bring forward more decisively temizuoti. And select "To tell the life" seems the best time to go to the line, rely on "Poetry" and after dviknyge released sets, track, and the hazy lyrical narrative thread.
    And at least the team can capture sharper variation points of the poem, "ignited the bush," "mild prisiglaudimo life, poems from the diary, small-form first appeared in" Step "," Daily Shroud. "This story, life, poem and poet tells us. The story is deeper and can not be.
    Life story - the only poem.
    All other talks about.
  • In Lithuanian, hardcover, 184 p., 9-1/2" x 6-1/2" (24 x 16cm)
  • Vilnius, Lithuania

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