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Stiklinis paukstis by Jazukeviciute Dalia (SKU #13550)
US $22.00
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  • Dalia Jazukeviciute known poet and prose writer of various literary awards winner. Famous for investigative journalism articles. Every writer's book is accompanied by stormy disputes readers and critics. "Glass Bird" - the fourth novel.
    Why does a man suffering serious shocks? Heaven punishes or just suffering through the leads where it begins a different, better life? Does paying off even the most righteous vengeance? Is sin really is sinful? Is it possible to understand death and why it does not come convened? Here's what the young characters in novels suffer librarian Lana. After a brutal attack and desecration of one crave for it - to die. Or at least the "amputated" the world from itself, because the feel deceived and deserted even God himself, no one on earth is not required. After all, came round the madhouse, where she was put Doha aunt Mile, has raised the girl after the death of their parents.
    Madhouse Lana familiar with David, a rich, strong like a man standing on his feet, much older than her. He comes here visiting his mother crazy. The old woman after the death of David to bring back the girl luxury apartment. It would appear, leaving only the kind of life turning. But there's something out there on high, it seems, is just now decided to allow itself to respond to Lanai still torture questions of existence, prevents survival and forget the terrible act as if nothing had happened.
  • In Lithuanian, hardcover, 180 p., 10-1/2" x 7" (26 x 18cm)
  • Vilnius, Lithuania

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