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Baden badeno nebus
Undine Radaviciute (SKU #13353)

US $20.00
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  • Baden-Baden will not be "- the third book Mermaids RADZEVIČIŪTĖ of black humor and absurdity of mini-novels" Strekaza and Frankburgas. This is a strange story about the people that you encounter on the street, and if you agree, they never give you the stories ... "The new book" Baden-Baden will not be "open yet another talented creator of the edge - the payment of telling stories. The book remains a regular Mermaids RADZEVIČIŪTĖ style available called" acupuncture prose - sentences-precision piercing, frugal and austere, and speaking very subtle humor. Mermaids RADZEVIČIŪTĖ history - unique. Matches Lithuanian literature they are unlikely to find. " Kestutis Navakas The literature of our country viewed as a viable part of the literature, including "Landmark" series of works of foreign authors the first time and Lithuanian composers. "Landmarks" - a series of books, which allows the focus of contemporary world literature and answer the questions, whether you know him, or understood what was happening and why, and what to expect from him? These works reveal the trends of modern prose, and in one way or another affects the process of modern literature. "Landmarks" - it's not stiff obelisks, but rather vėjarodžiai, reflecting the new creative direction of the wind.
  • In Lithuanian, 126 pages
    Format: 8.4 x 5.2 inches (21 x 13cm), hardcover.
  • Vilnius, Lithuania

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