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Rudolfa mantojums
Rudolf's Gold
DVD - PAL format (SKU #6313)

US $21.00
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  • This film is Jānis Streičs dedication to Rūdolfs Blaumanis – a fantasy peopled by the characters from Skroderdienas in their youth; names have been changed and the time has been shifted to a later date.
    National consciousness awoke at the beginning of the 20th cebtury; the affluence and capability of farmers grew. The wealthy and proud R\udups, a thorn in the Baron’s side, becomes uncontrollable when struck by Cupid’s arrow. The old man will do anything for the maid Emīlija, but the girl is in love with his nephew, Kārlis. The fight for Em;ilija’s heart will alter the fates of both men, as well as that of the yong maid.

    Directed by Jānis Streičs
    Scriptwriter: Jānis Streičs
    Producers: Andrejs Ēķis, Aigars Grauba

    Cast: Rūdolfs Rūdups - Romualds Ancāns, Emīlija – Rēzija Kalniņa, Kārlis – Arturs Skrastiņš, Andžs – Dainis Gaidelis, Trīne – Velta Straume, Mother – Venta Vecumniece, Priest – Jānis Paukštello, Baron – Uldis Dumpis, Baroness – Ingrida Andriņa.

  • DVD, PAL (World format) 1 h 54 min
    PLEASE NOTE - May not play on regular American (NTSC) DVD players.
    In Latvian, with English and Russian subtitles
  • Riga, Latvia 2011

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