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Seniausios lietuviu literaturos istorija ir chrestomatija by Algimantas Bucys (SKU #13829)
US $49.00
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  • The famous literary critic, historian and theorist, PhD book - a monumental work, a coherent scientific research, which is aimed at, and two previously published book (Barbara vice versa classics, 2008 and the oldest Lithuanian literature. Mindaugas epoch. PoliparadigminÄ— Medieval Cultural Conflict Studies, 2009) the result. Author has set a goal to resurrect the historical nothingness and oblivion oldest Lithuanian ethnic culture and literature texts reveal their genesis and their potential creators and heroes of the images as they can be identified in the oldest historical sources. Literary scholar to scholar diligence and attention reconstructs ancient sources scattered writings of religious, mythological, ethnographic, home, customary and others. origin include micro lettering, trying to discover the way to a little research include micro lettering treasury of Lithuanian origin, which can open up the entire Lithuanian culture before writing the epoch continent that "centuries-fed flow and bottom tebemaitina Lithuanian literature Lithuanian folklore and mitokÅ«ros roots even when modern writers rational not perceive their role in the nation of the word semantic slots and ethnic worldview.
    In this context, an interdisciplinary scientist in his work of literature provides an incredibly wide variety of nations and epochs social, religious, customary, cultural and social life in the cross-section, looking for signs Lithuanian identity, often through inventive gotta legend and historiography mystification heart of the brushwood, which, through so many centuries covered the XIII century, the Baltic countries religion and its adherents and opponents defenders, crossed into the Eastern and Western Christian side. Ancients our writing and world literature texts by the same author to translate from the old Church Slavonic, English, French, Polish, Czech, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian languages. Anyone interested in Lithuanian literature, cultural history, have a comprehensive, academic, but easy to read guidebook that will help expand our knowledge to date the origins of literature, reaching the deep layers of the seven centuries old.
  • In Lithuanian, hardcover, 656 p., 8-1/2" x 10-1/2" (21 x 26cm)
  • Lithuania, Vilnius

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