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Musu slaptieji ir dramblys bute by Algimantas Cekuoli (SKU #13803)
US $25.00
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  • No war is absent similar to the previous one. One trenches and cavalry, the other - for tanks and aircraft. More recently, lasers and zvimbaliai. People are brilliant, always state decides how clever to kill one another.
    Such as the war in Afghanistan is also available so far. You can't win this thing. But is not intendent to win in the traditional sense - to seize territory, to rule the country. There protecting human values​​. Sometimes they defended poorly and awkwardly. What to do?
    This is eighth war for Algimantas Čekuolis, which he somehow watched. He was the first that could look at the mechanism in Afghanistan war and even watched at secret army units work. Wrote about it in this book - no attempts no judgmental. everything just as it is.
    Preoccupy to the world, there is a further 40 subjects for reader. The global financial fever. Condemned to unemployment or intermittent younger generation. Harrowing, but little-known recent past facts. The present day family's problems don't fit in the traditional framework . Crumbling myths. School without textbooks - all teachers will have to change. There are even wine and beer history.
  • In Lithuanian, hardcover, 248 p., 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" (14 x 21cm)
  • Lithuania, Vilnius

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