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Kitapus veidrodzio by Irena Buivydaite (SKU #13759)
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  • Books hero Inga, who lived not very successful, has made itself a mirror of the country. There she Ingrid - a famous pianist, graceful dancer, a wise counselor, - the words, everything may just be a dream world where possible to love someone for the first time the Met.
    In reality, Inga - a businessman's wife, mother of two great kids, forever despised mother-who, as a commoner, seduced her son.
    Inga out of the way fueling the family home and hearth least favorite job working mother-curtain cabin and almost forgotten science of psychology, which he studied. However, the emergence of rivals, and in the event of divorce, Inga's life begins to change ...
    But what if the dream life a reality? Will he still be the same perfect?
    The heroine of my novel, Sam, as well as hundreds of women who live near us has a secret dream world that no one knows - Mirror country that runs when you get tired monotonous daily rotating circle.
    Why is it necessary? According to those I love imaginary woman, "Is there a person on earth who can admit he was completely reckless happy, never wanted to change anything?" Probably all would like to change something in our daily lives, someone pronounce fateful words, so the remaining empty crush the ambitions locked lips, But it's too late ... It remains only regret: Oh, if it were possible to repeat the episode, pervaidinti otherwise ... But in reality this is not possible. Therefore, the dream of ...
    Inga's self-imposed in parallel world everything cool. But if the fictional world into reality? Will he still be the same perfect?
    My book heroine Sam says: "I should be a good writer, if only I would not hesitate to move your imagination on paper." Unlike her, I ventured. Novels - this is my other world. Disentangling the fate of the hero, I myself walked away from their everyday life, fused with the fictional hero, and I think I feel like it. And ... my life is much more interesting.
    But I want to share it. If you can put in a fictional world of his readers, if women live together with my characters shines, sad and pleased with them briefly forget some troubles, trust a happy ending, užvertusios book and smiling for some time still live in better world, I feel happy.
    Because so is my goal - to give you a little bit of luck.
    Irene BuivydaitÄ—
  • In Lithuanian, hardcover, 352 p.,8" x 5" (20 x 13cm)
  • Vilnius, Lithuania

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