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- Southern Latgale is the fourth map in the new series that was developed on the base of maps from popular edition – Road Atlas of Latvia. But the cartographical information was totally revised and considerably improved in 2003.
Town plans in scale 1: 20,000 complements the basic map in scale 1: 200,000. In these plans there are detailed street network and tourism objects mapped. It helps to orientate in the biggest towns of the region of Southern Latgale.
The edition is also supplemented with color photos and textual information about 44 most notable objects of tourism.
- 66 1/2 x 33 inches (I69x84 cm) / 9 1/2 x 4 inches (23x12 cm) folded
plans of Daugavpils, Jēkabpils, Krāslavas, Ludzas, Preiļu un Rēzeknes plāni in scale 1: 20,000.
- Published by Jana Seta, Riga, Latvia